security systems that go beyond intruder detectionsecurity systems that go beyond intruder detection

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security systems that go beyond intruder detection

Home security systems go beyond detecting intruders these days. When my wife mentioned that she wanted to get a home security system, I kind of blew her off because we are not in a neighborhood that is very low risk. After she spent days doing research, printing this and that out and coming up with a whole presentation to show me why we needed to get a home security system, I learned why she felt the way that she did. We have worked together to create this blog to show other homeowners just how far a security system can go to keep your family safe.

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3 Things To Look For In Automated Home Security Systems

Choosing to install a home security system is an easy decision for many people seeking to protect their loved ones and belongings. Fortunately, the advent of automated, interconnected security devices has led to an abundance of options for new and existing homeowners. That said, knowing just what to look for when assessing all these options is a slightly trickier matter. Take a look below at just three of the things you should keep an eye out for when you're putting together an automated security system.

Multiple Cameras

Cameras are at the heart of any home security system and are especially useful if you and your family are often away from home for extended periods of time. When researching automated home security systems, look for packages that include or support the use of multiple cameras. Ideally, your main camera should be able to produce a high-definition wireless feed accessible from anywhere and should be seamlessly integrated into your front doorbell system. Cameras can also be connected to a keypad to allow family and friends easy access to your home. 

Entry and Break-in Sensors

Versatility is key to any home automation system. That's why for the majority of homeowners, cameras alone just aren't enough. You'll want to prioritize a home security system that supports multiple entry sensors as well. These should be easy to set up by any door or window in your home and should exist separately from other motion detectors you may choose to install. In addition, glass break sensors are popular choices for homes with multiple windows on the first floor that may be a little too easy for intruders to access. Make sure that the automated home security system you end up choosing has all of these options available as part of a package or as separate add-ons. 

Environmental Sensors

These days, home automation systems are about much more than just security. They also provide extensive safety measures that can protect you and your property against the elements. These measures range from things as basic as automated smoke detectors to more advanced tools such as freeze and water sensors. For example, if you're away from home for any amount of time, these environmental sensors can immediately alert you to a pipe that has burst or sudden flooding that has occurred. While these sensors usually exist only as add-ons to most packages, they are a vital part of any well-rounded automated security system. Contact a company that provides home automation systems for more information.